Therapy Brothers

The Courageous Call-In Podcast

"I am beginning to live my very best life, and am finding purpose and joy in both the good and the hard parts. You’re changing lives, and I am forever grateful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."


Welcome To Therapy Brothers

Tyler and Brannon Patrick here. We are a couple of brothers that both decided to go down the road of therapy following after our own passion. We've been in the specialty of sexual addiction recovery and betrayal trauma healing over 15 years. We've finally come together, as brothers, to create a place where we help people with these same issues that we've helped others with. 

We're not perfect but we can say we are trying to do our best to help people get out of the pit of addiction and trauma and into a place of Joy, Peace, Power, Freedom and Love. It's totally possible. We've seen it happen countless times. We may not have walked the exact path as you, but we have been down a road that probably looks similar. Regardless, come walk the path with a couple of brothers.

The Podcast.

We've been having some of the realest conversations weekly for over a year now. We've gone to the depths with real people who have real struggles just like you. Please join in by listening, submitting a question or being a guest on the podcast. Let's have an honest discussion.

Real Testimonials

sourced from Apple Podcasts

So helpful!


This podcast has been so helpful to me. Brannon and Tyler have gone over multiple topics and questions that I’ve had in my life and my marriage. Thank you both for sharing this knowledge from a Christ-centered point of view. Thankful for you both!

Awesome podcast!


I appreciate the podcast! I see progress in my life through the application of so many things you guys have shared. Thank you!



In full disclosure, I sought out the Therapy Brothers Podcast because I know the brothers personally and thought it would be fun to listen to. I have gotten so much more out of this podcast than I expected though. I have laughed, cried, been motivated to action, and gotten answers to questions I didn’t even know I had. The brothers are easy to listen to but still provide a wealth of knowledge. You can tell they really care about the well being and mental health of their audience.



I've been a fan of Brannon's for a while. I've gone through a lot of betrayal in my marriage. I just learned about this podcast and the first episode I listened to was about whether on not we should hold our spouses accountable for the hurt they have perpetrated on us.

This episode was enlightening for me and I realized I'm finally able to forgive my spouse, even if we don't stay together and he never changes. I only control myself. Brannon you are the best and I look forward to learning more and healing more through listening to your podcasts 💕

Best Therapists In The Industry

Archibald "arturo" the third

I’ve heard a lot of podcasts and worked with a lot of Therapists and the Patrick Brothers are the best by a mile. Tyler’s podcast on “surrender” is the best I’ve ever heard on the topic and the most helpful and instructional advise for someone trying to learn how to live a new life of surrender. Some need their morning cup of coffee to start each day. I just need a cup of therapy brothers podcast to start each day.

Love you guys!

Autumn Way

Ty & Brannon have been a lifesaver to me personally & to our marriage. I was first introduced to Brannon through his other podcast with Coby & Ashlyn called the Betrayed, the addicted & the expert. I had just learned of my husband’s struggle & use of pornography late 2018. We did not go to therapy but he started with a support group. We listened to the podcasts & talked about them regularly. It was incredibly helpful. In October we both got COVID & our lives spiraled out of control. I found porn on our computer shortly thereafter & now we are back to square one. We found Therapy Brothers so now we listen to both podcasts, I watch Brannon’s YouTube videos & my husband listens to Tyler’s other podcasts as well. We cannot get enough! We are both in individual therapy & he is still in group. We are making a lot of progress, still have a long way to go, but I am starting to have hope that our 40 year relationship can survive this with the hard work we are doing. Thank you for your faithfulness to humanity and sharing your knowledge & wisdom. I especially appreciate you are believers & pull faith into your conversations. We so appreciate both of you! We actually pray for you & your families. Thanks again Brannon & Ty!



These guys are excellent podcasters!! Concise. Bold. Articulate. They speak what we need to hear. Share this with all of your people.

It’s ok to be attracted to other people


Way to slap shame in the face! I really admire your courage in tackling an taboo fact of life head on. I so appreciate the personal examples as well, it makes it so easy to apply to real life situations. I love how you called all of us out - of course there is more than one person we will be attracted to in this world or we wouldn't be human. People that are offended by this concept must also be offended by honesty and communication! it’s not the thought that is bad- we all have bad thoughts/words/actions come into our heads -and no one can control that- the judgment only comes when we use our agency to either give it the boot or to let it take up residence. Thanks you guys for all you’re teaching us! You’re helping us put to shame faulty cultural narratives!



This podcast is for everyone!

This podcast is like Dave Ramsey or Car Talk or any show that seems specific by its title and general subject matter but is actually universal and relatable to everyone.

I usually listen to podcasts while doing an activity alone, but I feel like I’ve connected with real people with real problems on a deep level when I listen to therapy brothers.

Thank you!

Smiles in Wyoming

Tyler and Brannon are awesome, can’t say enough about how much they’ve helped us with their straightforward and honest approach to things. They keep it real and provide awesome tools for moving forward in a healthier happier way. I really appreciate the latest episode on how church leaders can help the betrayed, I know this is an area that really needs to be addressed! Thank you guys for all you do!!

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